Getting Started

To start with, you'll want to be at least a level 375 Jewelcrafter. Buy a Chalcedony from the Auction House (Or prospect it, see part 1 of this guide!). Get to Dalaran - my favorite way is to offer to buy a port from a mage in Trade channel. Once in Dalaran, head over to Timothy Jones (pictured to the right), the Grand Master Jewelcrafting trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in the northwest part of Dalaran. You can ask a guard if you have trouble finding him - and his coordinates are 40.76/34.48.
If you are level 65 or above, as well as being a 375 Jewelcrafter or better, Timothy Jones will offer you a quest, "Finish the Shipment." He asks you for the Chalcedony (Which you brought, because you were following this guide. Right?) Once you complete this quest, it will open up a set of six daily quests, and you'll receive one of these quest randomly each day from this point.
These quests are quite easy - they require you to go kill a certain type of mob, combine the mob's quest item drop with two green-quality gems, and finally combine everything for a quest turnin. The key is to reach these mobs as quickly as possible, and for them to be as easy to kill as possible, in order to not spend much time completing each day's quest. If you can finish the quest in five minutes including travel time, you'd be looking at the equivalent of 3000+g/hour for those five minutes! Later in this article I will tell you where to complete each quest in one of the two starting areas in Northrend: Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord.
The Tokens

When you bring the completed quest item back to Timothy Jones in Dalaran, he will give you a special Jewelcrafter-only token, "Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token", which is used as currency with the vendor standing next to him. One token will purchase a Dragon's Eye; the patterns sold by the vendor require three to six tokens and thus are fairly restricted in availability - they provide another avenue to exclusive supply of a certain gem on your server, if you can figure out which patterns are still unavailable between the other crafters.
The Dragon's Eye
For the purpose of this strategy, we will purchase Dragon's Eyes with the tokens as it is a guaranteed, "set and forget" commodity which has a fairly fixed and limited availability - there can be no more than one per jewelcrafter per sale per day on any one server. Cut gems can be very profitable especially with rarely held patterns and the best-in-slot gems, but they require more time to manage and are a topic for another post.
On my servers, Dragon's Eye sells for between 250g-450g depending on supply and demand. It is required for the Jewelcrafter-only bind-on-pickup epic gems, as well as for the Titanium ring/necklace epic bind-on-equip items: four Dragon's Eye are needed to craft each item. So you can see there will be a market for Dragon's Eye as long as Wrath of the Lich King is current. Which should be about 18+ months if history repeats itself. That is conservatively 136,000G earning potential from one jewelcrafter doing the daily quest over the 18 months!
The Craftables
Here are the epic items crafted with the Dragon's Eye. These are more or less the standard for beginning raiders, and as such you can expect that thousands of players per server will need 8 Dragon's Eye each to get going. Especially if you're on a crowded server, you can also directly serve this market by crafting and selling the Titanium... items yourself. Smaller realms may have less of a direct market and you'll find more people gathering the materials themselves rather than relying on the Auction House to provide the finished item at a premium for them.
Titanium Earthguard Chain
Titanium Earthguard Ring
Titanium Impact Band
Titanium Impact Choker
Titanium Spellshock Necklace
Titanium Spellshock Ring
The Daily Quests
Without further ado, here is the list of Wrath of the Lich King's Jewelcrafting daily quests and how to get them done as easily as possible at any level 70+:

Shipment: Bright Armor Relic
Requires: Elemental Armor Scrap, Bloodstone, Huge Citrine
The Elemental Armor Scrap is found on Elemental-type mobs, which should be familiar to longtime WoW players. The lowest level, easiest to kill Elementals are Frozen Elementals, found in Borean Tundra just south of Death's End, on the beach. They are level 70-71, and have about 9000 health. They have an "Ice Spike" attack which knocks you in the air and does a minor amount of damage. You should be able to reliably kill them before they get a chance to cast it, though! Here's the map for Frozen Elementals:

Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet

Requires: Vrykul Amulet, Dark Jade, Bloodstone
Vrykul Amulets are found on Vrykul, which are a new humanoid mob variety in Wrath of the Lich King. There is a patch of low level Vrykul called Skadir Raiders in Borean Tundra very close to Valiance Keep, which drop the Amulets. They have about 9000 health, and are level 69 - abilities are a Freezing Trap like a hunter's trap, and a spear throw. You can get the Amulet off the other Vrykul mob types in this group as well. Here's the map for Skadir Raiders:

Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine
Requires: Shoveltusk Ivory, Chalcedony, Shadow Crystal

Shoveltusk Ivory is found on a new Beast type mob: "Northrend Shoveltusk". The lowest level I could find are "Shoveltusks" in Howling Fjord, but they're all over the place there - you should have no trouble hunting one down as soon as you get out of town at Valgarde. To get there, you can either fly from Dalaran, or take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Port to Ironforge and fly to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands, first). As for the mobs themselves, Shoveltusks have a "Head Butt" ability which confuses its target for 3 seconds (similar to Rogues' "Blind"). Here's the map for them:

Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine

Requires: Proto Dragon Bone, Chalcedony, Dark Jade
Proto Dragon Bones are found on, unsurprisingly, proto drakes. The Proto-Whelp Hatchling in Howling Fjords are level 71, have about 9500HP, a flame breath attack and are considered the easiest mob to kill for this quest. To get to them, fly or boat to Valgarde, then head west past Utgarde Keep to the Ember Clutch. Map to find the Proto-Whelp Hatchlings at Ember Clutch:

Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio
Requires: Scourge Curio, Sun Crystal, Shadow Crystal

Scourge Curio is found on any Northrend Scourge (Undead). So this one is very easy - just fly from Dalaran to Valiance Keep (or take the boat from Stormwind Harbor), head out to the beach and start killing the undead Crypt Crawlers that are just outside. They are level 68-69, have 7-8000HP and their special attack is "Crypt Scarabs" - they summon little pet critters that run after you and attack you. Here's the map showing their location just outside Valiance Keep:

Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch
Requires: Iron Dwarf Brooch, Huge Citrine, Sun Crystal

To get the Iron Dwarf Brooch, you need to kill Dark Iron Dwarves! An old favorite from Classic WoW, they are found first in Howling Fjords in Wrath of the Lich King. Head out from Valgarde, then go south until you reach the bridge across the main fjord which gives you a path east. The dwarves are found in a line on a hill to your right as you go east before reaching the Explorer's League Outpost, guarding their mines. Iron Rune Steelguards will be the first dwarves you see - they are level 69-70 and have 8-9000HP, with two Warrior abilities: Charge and Demoralizing Shout. Here's their map:

I hope this guide to the dailies saves you some time doing the research I did, and that you find the way to make the most of each daily quest reward token for the market you're in, whether it be recipes, crafting or the Dragon's Eye sales. Feel free to comment if you have questions. I do want to point out that there are some places which are closer to Dalaran to farm the quest items, but that those places are not accessible to level 70 characters just starting Wrath of the Lich King. I leave finding them as an exercise to the level 80 reader!
Related articles:
WoW Jewelcrafting Gold Guide, Part 1: Prospecting
Good posting its nice blog!