Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Insane in the Membrane farming

Insane in the Membrane is a complex meta achievement (actually, a Feat of Strength) that involves, among other things, farming/acquiring 1400 Heavy Junkboxes, and turning in 80+ Librams with their quest ingredients. By most accounts, this is the most difficult achievement in World of Warcraft. So where is the profit angle, hmm?

The Librams are farmable in Dire Maul, but the Pristine Black Diamonds that accompany their quest turnins are a low drop from all level 60ish mobs. So there will always be a need to purchase the diamonds off the auction house, for players working on the meta achievement.

In the case of Junkboxes, a Rogue of 58-60 or better needs to farm them. BRD Arena area or Hearthglen are favored areas for this task. Expect 50-100 junkboxes per hour. They fetch 10 gold each or more from would-be achievers, who often post on official realm forums to find a lockbox farmer to hire.

Here's a list of Insane items and "moving prices" observed since 3.3.2:

  • Libram of Protection - 150-200 gold
  • Libram of Focus - 150-200 gold
  • Libram of Rapidity - 125-150 gold
  • Pristine Black Diamond - 200-250 gold
  • Heavy Junkbox (Rogue farmable only) - 5-10 gold

The BOP ingredients that accompany Libram of Rapidity discourage its use as a quest turnin relative to the other two librams listed. Once in a while, the librams are severely undervalued by a seller, and can be found at the price of the other level 60 quest librams (5-10 gold), a very easy 150-200 gold for the reseller.

How to profit off these items? Snipe them and resell at or above the moving price (May vary based on your realm's economy; mine is high population). Or, if you want a grinding option, farm Dire Maul for librams (and cloth/greens/blues to disenchant), or Hearthglen pickpocketing if you're a rogue.

On my realm I am one of only a few players whom I consistently see marketing to this niche, but I'm sure that will change as posts like this spread the word. This can only be a good thing from the point of view of the achievers who will end up paying less for their quest goods. Good luck!


  1. You can always use the ah bot from the armory to easily snacth up some of these items going very cheap..
    have a look at

    I think i'll get right on this :P
